The Moon and the Wanderer
The Moon and the Wanderer

1. She the Moon lletra
2. These Warm Sunrays lletra
3. I Shall Kill the Sun lletra
4. Farewell My Little Boy lletra
5. Frozen Soul
6. Bleak Legacy lletra
7. Dying Nightingale lletra
8. The Key lletra
9. He the Wanderer
Aquest projecte l'anava ideant ja des de l'època de l'institut, però en aquell moment no tenia suficient capacitat compositiva ni instrumental per a portar-lo a cap. Van passar uns quants anys d'estudi i pràctica fins que el 2014 vaig poder compondre i gravar aquest treball. Influenciat pel doom metal i la música celta vaig compondre una sèrie de cançons que juntes formen una història, un àlbum conceptual. La història tracta de l'errant: un home solitari que sempre està caminant per diversos paratges, i la lluna: una esfera celestial que sempre el mira des de dalt. L'errant cau en un amor obsessiu i impossible envers la lluna, i aquesta el rebutja sense dubtar-ho. Ell cau en una depressió sense precedents que al final haurà de superar traient forces extremes del seu interior.
La primera publicació del disc va ser sota el nom de Primeval Essence, nom d'una possible banda que vaig intentar formar, però que no va veure la llum per diferents motius. Després vaig abandonar aquest nom definitivament i vaig tornar a publicar el disc sota el nom de Dani Cano.
Aquí em veieu ja usant tots els instruments necessaris per a l'obra: bateria, baix, guitarres, teclats, violí, flauta irlandesa (whistle) i veus. Com a col·laboracions molt apreciades vaig gaudir de la veu de Evelyn Sanz (She the Moon i Farewell My Little Boy) i de Pau Segura al violoncel (Dying Nightingale).
1. She the Moon
Ella la lluna ens mira impertorbable des de les altures, sense fer-nos gaire cas, impossible d'atrapar... ves a dalt2. These Warm Sunrays
Aquests càlids rajos de sol d'aquesta tarda d'hivern... L'errant s'adona que l'amor de la lluna és impossible i cau en una profunda depressió... Com més bell és el paisatge més dolor sent per dintre! ves a dalt3. I Shall Kill the Sun
La tristesa és tal que l'errant vol matar el sol. "Perquè ell sí que pot estar amb la lluna i jo no?" ves a dalt4. Farewell My Little Boy
La lluna li dóna carabasses... Adéu noi, ho sento molt però has de fer la teva... ves a dalt5. Frozen Soul
L'errant es queda petrificat davant la notícia... La seva ànima es congela... ves a dalt6. Bleak Legacy
...i tot el que queda és un paratge desolador per a ell... ves a dalt7. Dying Nightingale
La desesperació arriba als extrems màxims, la visió de la mort és alliberadora... ves a dalt8. The Key
Contra tot pronòstic, l'errant es comunica amb la seva veu interior i aconsegueix sortir d'aquest pou sense fons. Troba la clau per a obrir noves portes! ves a dalt9. He the Wanderer
Marxa errant, marxa. Continua amb els teus camins aparentment sense rumb... ves a dalt
She The Moon
The marble sphere we have above
She rules the night sky and men's hearts
One could cry all night long
She won't listen at all
She will never touch our ground
She The Moon
We live every night with pain
Howling at her from everywhere
But one can cry all night long
She won't listen at all
Hands will never touch her surface
She The Moon
Tears of the young men
The most passionate of them
I turn their hearts asunder
They’ll never be the same
Please take heed youngsters
You're only a spark in an eternal flame
I watch below for an instant
But in the immensity I forget again
ves a dalt
These Warm Sunrays
These warm sunrays of this winter evening
Caress my face and my soul is ablaze
I sigh
I’m walking alone
The horizon seems to be on fire
My blood turns to stone
Thinking of her, my mind freezes
And I sigh
These warm sunrays of this winter evening
Increase my pain and every day is the same
And I sigh again
The feeling is so strong
That tears can be shed without an end
Eternal sleep’s call
Seems a well-deserved relief
And these winter sunrays
Exalt the beauty of the day
But the more beautiful it is
The more I bleed from within
Why am I walking alone
While birds make their nests
While night embraces the moon
With unconditional love?
ves a dalt
I Shall Kill The Sun
Trees are the only witnesses
Of my lonely cries
I speak to them as if they could
Listen from the heart
“I beg you, embrace me
Among your branches I could sleep
Be kind with me
Please caress me
Clean my tear-wet cheeks
Speak tenderly to me
Oh please cover me with leaves”
I can walk, cry and sing
While the world rapidly spins
While sun falls through leaves in beams
Or rain hides my never-dried tears
Hoping that it comes to an end
Trees are the only witnesses
Of my lonely cries
I speak to them as if they could
Listen from the heart
“I beg you, embrace me
Among your branches I could sleep
Be kind with me
Please caress me
Clean my tear-wet cheeks
Speak tenderly to me
Oh please cover me with leaves”
This is my Via Crucis
Though hope never leaves
It makes the way more painful
Torn is my heart
I collect the pieces
But they fall again
Through my slippery fingers
Thunder roars, caring not what’s below
It is strong, as I thought I was
In a moment, innocence lost
And soul broken by an almighty god
Hoping that it comes to an end
Fire engulfs me when my wings
Fly into the sky
Protecting his bride, he burns me
So cruelly, lord Sun
“You must know I shall fight
Until the Moon tells me to die
As a ghost I’ll wander throughout the land
Looking for her through the sky
Broken as I am
I shall kill the sun”
This is my Via Crucis
Though hope never leaves
It makes the way more painful
But I have become tough
And I can’t be killed
Blessing or damnation
I am here to stay
“You must know I shall fight
Until the Moon tells me to die
As a ghost I’ll wander throughout the land
Looking for her through the sky
Broken as I am
I shall kill the sun”
This is my Via Crucis
Though hope never leaves
It makes the way more painful
Torn is my heart
I collect the pieces
But they fall again
Through my slippery fingers
But I’ve stolen strength and I´ll never melt
Stolen from Thunder!
And I can fly again
Unless the Moon demands my death…
ves a dalt
Farewell My Little Boy
If your eyes could show me
Behind walls of tears
What lays in this our landscape…
But trust me I must leave
Though you don’t believe me
I’m sorry for you
For fate didn’t unite us
I know you’ll cry, it’s true
Farewell my little boy
Try to forget my face and my voice
I’m sure others will come
For you to find the joy
You’ll dry every night’s tears
And make a better choice
Farewell my little boy
Try to forget my face and my voice
Farewell my little boy
We must live our lives on our own
ves a dalt
Bleak Legacy
Every single day my thoughts collide
The landscape reflects my soul and so my eyes
Alone I shall walk to purify myself and freely sigh
Who will hear my call
When I’m on my knees
When blood flows from my mouth?
As fallen from the sky
The angel of my cries
Is cutting with her scythe
Look at me
When I’m walking ahead
And then I turn around
The flowers wither
Look at me
When the thunder roars high
And the clouds turn blacker
Over me it rains mud
And alas, the night falls
And I find myself alone
The moon bathes my weak body
When finally sleep comes forth
And in my dreams I see
One thing that cannot be
I see her walking near me
No matter where I lie
No matter what I think
That moment is present
The moment when you said
The worst thing I could hear
The sky fell on my feet
Look at me
When I’m slowly crawling
Throughout this land
All children cry
Look at me
When I sing my wretched chants
And my voice grows louder
The nightingales die
Living in a paralysing world
A frozen and torn soul
Listening to those paralysing words
My only answer was a howl
And here struggling with the shadows of trees
Dodging death’s kiss
Immortality is not bliss
Obsessed by an unattainable dream
I drown deep in all seas
Before my poor eyes
A bleak legacy
And alas, the night falls
And I find myself alone
The moon bathes my weak body
When finally sleep comes forth
And in my dreams I see
One thing that cannot be
I see her walking near me
And in my dreams I see
One thing that will never be
I see her walking with me
ves a dalt
Dying Nightingale
Here and ahead and under soft rain
Its wings broken and its chest blood-stained
Trembling of pain, of fear
A little bird so near
That even without a tear
Its crying is so clear
And thus death crosses the air
Followed by that terrible gale
Alas the wound, with time, won’t repair
It tells life to the dying nightingale
Here and ahead and under soft rain
Its wings broken and its chest blood-stained
Inner silence and the ancient pain
All around this image tortuously spread
Raindrops still fall patiently
When the bird take its last breath
And thus death has crossed the air
Followed by that terrible gale
Alas the wound, with time, won’t repair
It told life to our dying nightingale
ves a dalt
The Key
You’d wish you were blind
To never see what lays behind
Deaf, to never hear those cries of doom
Ignorant of why fate is so cruel
You’d wish you were numb
To never feel the pain inside
To never feel the blows of life
But I know for sure it can’t be done
And you know
Any light dazzles me
And any sound deafens me
And touch makes my skin shudder
Please help me master
I know you are near
Your presence encourages me
I feel that I’m weaker by every instant
The vicious circles surround me
I’m reaching the bottom
I long for the surface
You told me the key is on fire
It burns your soul with true fire
Here before me
The bleak land I see
Victimized by myself
Tell me master, once come to this point
What can I do? Where to go now?
You always said everything has a meaning
But it is invisible in this void
I feel fate is too cruel, too cruel with me
It doesn’t show any doorway
If I can’t fulfill my wish, why am I here?
Tell me now where this road leads
I’m tired of this suffering
Will you hear me?
Open your eyes
Your soul, your body and your mind
For the suffering is only inside
It’s a strong fire where the key hides
Just look forward
At your doomed reflection in this land
And don’t avoid a painful slash
For the scratches reveal the fire inside
Where your key hides
My fire shows
I can feel it strongly
Darkness is around when I look at it
I’m putting my hand into the flame
The pain goes beyond all known
I feel that I’m falling into a bottomless pit
I feel that my being transforms, on fire
The old burned
I sprout as a new fireproof soul!
My key now opens all the doors!
An old phase is out
New ways all around
I must feel proud
My essence is stout!
Hear me, son
Though you reach the limits of your soul
You must know there is always a door
That can be opened by that key of yours
Just take your own
Burn the stages and open your doors
Feel how the fear is all gone
You have found the best treasure of all:
The key!
ves a dalt