The Isolated Songs

The Isolated Songs

1. I Ride the Storm   lletra
2. These Warm Sunrays   lletra
3. Gone With the Rain
4. Gaze at The Sunset   lletra
5. Children of the Sun   lletra

Aquest treball el vaig gravar a casa durant el confinament del 2020 a causa del coronavirus. Cada tema anava acompanyat d'un vídeo, gravat al meu pis de Reus. Els vídeos van anar sortint a les xarxes a mesura que els anava fent. El disc com a tal va sortir a les plataformes de streaming el dia 1 de juliol de 2020 amb Primeval Essence com a nom de banda.


1. I Ride the Storm 

Jo cavalco la tempesta. Tema que en principi tenia pensat incloure en un nou treball del projecte Primeval Essence, amb tota la banda al complet (bateria, baix, guitarres, teclats, violí i veus). No descarto, però, incloure'l en alguna publicació futura. La tempesta representa la dificultat de canviar-nos a nosaltres mateixos, d'agafar les responsabilitats de tot els que ens passa a la vida. Allí em veureu, AL MIG DE LA TEMPESTA!   ves a dalt


2. These Warm Sunrays (Acoustic)

Aquests càlids rajos de sol d'aquesta tarda d'hivern... Versió acústica d'un tema del disc conceptual The Moon and the Wanderer publicat el 2014 i autoproduït. Aquest tema és molt especial per a mi, ja que representa una època molt llunyana i molt trista, però que em va marcar molt. Ja se que el tema sembla pessimista, però forma part d'una història que al final acaba amb una bona lliçó de vida. Sempre endavant!   ves a dalt


3. Gone With the Rain 

Allò que la pluja s'endugué. Moltes coses hem perdut i perdre'm. Aquest tema me'l vaig treure de màniga en aquells moments. Vaig agafar una idea vella que mai vaig saber on col·locar-la, la vaig desenvolupar i VOILÀ. Malenconia una altra volta, sorry.   ves a dalt


4 Gaze at the Sunset 

Quan marxi, mireu a la posta de sol i allí em trobareu, vigilant-vos. Aquesta cançó ja comença a tenir anys! El 2004 va morir un músic que em va influenciar molt (Quorthon), i uns companys i jo vàrem decidir dedicar-li un tema. Els companys eren Miquel Carapuig i Logan A_D i la banda en la qual batallàvem es deia Ignis Aeterni. Miquel ja havia fet coses abans però Logan i jo no, va ser la nostra primera banda! Aquesta és una versió actualitzada per al moment. Una salutació especial per a Pau Segura, el qual li va posar unes línies de violoncel molt poderoses a la versió del 2004. AH-UH!   ves a dalt


5 Children of the Sun

Una altra idea que em rondava pel cap des de feia temps i que no sabia mai on posar. Per fi una mica d'optimisme! Els fills del sol estem aquí per lluitar, cantar i trencar els vells esquemes. FORÇA!   ves a dalt

The Isolated Songs a Spotify 



I Ride The Storm

Lions take shelter,
Warriors cry in pain,
The bravest tremble,
Towers are aflame.
Masters are struck dumb,
Classics collapse,
‘cause the storm, my friend,
Crumbles rock to sand.

Falsehoods vanish.
Enlightenment appears.
Tricksters flee.
Good and bad people shed their tears.
You would never wish to be
Inside the storm.
But it hunts us all,
And shreds us with its claws.

For sure you will see me
In the middle of the gale,
Looking for something hidden,
Or holding a falling sail.
You will see me walk,
As if I were amidst quiet woods.
My pace will be the steadiest,
‘cause of the thousand times I stood.

Perhaps you’ll never choose
To follow a Stormrider’s trail,
But this is my fate,
And I cannot escape.

‘cause I ride the storm,
I ride the storm.

The hardest path.
It’s time for me to ride.
Like the chosen one,
Gates open when I shout,
‘A Stormrider am I!’
I will embrace the pain,
And waters will engulf me,
But my essence will remain.

For sure you will see me
In the middle of the gale,
Looking for something hidden,
Or holding a falling sail.
You will see me walk,
As if I were amidst quiet woods.
My pace will be the steadiest,
‘cause of the thousand times I stood.

Perhaps you’ll never choose
To follow a Stormrider’s trail,
But this is my fate,
And I cannot escape.

‘cause I ride the storm,
I ride the storm.
ves a dalt


These Warm Sunrays

These warm sunrays of this winter evening
Caress my face and my soul is ablaze

I sigh

I’m walking alone
The horizon seems to be on fire
My blood turns to stone
Thinking of her, my mind freezes

And I sigh

These warm sunrays of this winter evening
Increase my pain and every day is the same


And I sigh again

The feeling is so strong
That tears can be shed without an end
Eternal sleep’s call
Seems a well-deserved relief

And these winter sunrays
Exalt the beauty of the day
But the more beautiful it is
The more I bleed from within

Why am I walking alone
While birds make their nests
While night embraces the moon
With unconditional love?
ves a dalt


Gaze at the Sunset

Daylight is dying.
I return home,
With close to a hundred wounds.

I breathe in, again,
Those warm scents
Of homemade perfumes.

Today, the battle gave me the gift of life,
But the next time, only the gods know…
All I can tell you, my fellows,
Is that you’ll never be alone.

One day, my wife came to me,
With tears filling her eyes,
And asked me why life was this way.
My breath hitched; I grasped her hands,
And told her that battle is my fate.

The children will grow,
And you will never forget me,
Though another takes my place.
My life may be short,
but know this,
I give you all of me.

When I’m gone, gaze at the sunset,
And I shall be there, watching you.
See the light in the darkness,
For my star will dispel the blackness
Of the night.
ves a dalt


Children of the Sun

‘Cause we are
The children of the sun.
We have come to change the world
When the common sense is gone. 

Come, light the torches!
Rise up, my friends!
Against the world order.
See how the age of darkness ends.

And this is ‘cause we are
The children of the sun.
We have come to shake your thoughts
When the common sense is gone.

Come, stand up now!
Rise above the pain!
Break up with the wicked past
And feel the waters change.

And this is ‘cause we are
The children of the sun.
We have come to empower you
When the archaic ways can’t.

They try to control our minds
But they don’t know it is too late!
We’ve come to change,
And we are here to stay!
We’ve come to play.

Children of the sun.

We are here to stay.
We have come to play.
We have come to change the world
When the common sense is gone.

Children of the sun.

We are here to stay.
We have come to play.
We have come to shake your thoughts
When the common sense is gone.

Children of the sun.
ves a dalt